Looking for the best and most valuable engagement ring that you can present to the love of your life?
There are many to choose from, no matter where you are. From classic and vintage engagement rings Vancouver has up to modern choices that you can even order online. But, if you are looking for the best, you might want to consider rare diamonds as an engagement ring option.
What are the Rarest Diamonds?
It is common to see white diamonds. They are the most common, and the stone’s clarity could also tell its quality. But, there are also other rare types of colored diamonds–and thus, tend to be more expensive even than the usual white diamonds on sale.
If you can find and afford these rare diamonds, your lady will definitely have the best and a unique ring to signify your love.
According to statistics, colored diamonds are incredibly rare that they only take up less than 0.1% of the world’s mined diamonds.
Red Diamonds
The rarest of all is the“red” diamond. Pure red ones haven’t been found yet, but there are purplish-red and brownish-red diamonds that have been discovered. The red color, along with the other high-quality Cs of diamonds makes them one of the most priceless stones in the world.
It can be pretty hard to come across these diamonds, but if you do, they can turn into one of the world’s most valuable rings.
Blue Diamonds
Blue diamonds are the second most rare diamonds in the world. One of the most expensive and most memorable jewelry in the whole world is one–the Hope Diamond.
Others argue that pink diamonds are the second rarest, but it seems as though pink diamonds are more common than blue. Still, both are pretty hard to find and can cost you a fortune, especially if they are of high quality.
Pink Diamonds
The good thing about pink diamonds is that they are more common than blue and red diamonds. However, they often have a higher value than the typical white or even yellow diamonds.
Most of all, it seems like more women are into pink diamonds and stones these days for their engagement rings. And why not? A pink diamond is not just valuable and rare, they also are somewhat vibrant and can definitely symbolize passionate love.
Rare diamonds are almost impossible to find–especially if you’re seeking for natural stone. However, if you are determined to give your partner a unique engagement or wedding ring, then keep your eye and wallet on the lookout for these beautiful rare diamonds.
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